-Keep material delivery status and expedition schedule updated jointly with logistics and procurement department.
-Follows up import, export, transit, dispatch and transport customs document;
-With construction management and commissioning department, decide on the material stock level for the project duration and participate to construction planning building, bringing his information.
-Oversee project information system related to material handling, routinely updating relative data
-With warehouse supervisor, organize the reception, handling and storage conditions according to material type and stock movements.
-Implement with material warehouse supervisor, execution of material receipt, control, handling, storage, preservation and delivery activity.
-Inform project management and procurement department of any discrepancy, non-conformity or any other trouble with material that might jeopardize project construction schedule.
-Makes cost analysis related to material handling and storage in accordance with contract terms.
·Follow up and prepare a weekly/monthly report concerning material movements.
·For project duration, with material warehouse implement a follow up of all material having an expiration date, certificate to be renewed, material to be calibrated.
·From the beginning should prepare final reconciliation, updating on weekly basis the scrap register.